Friday, January 15, 2010


Long before Sir Richard Goldstone became an icon for his mischievous and, by his own concession, flawed skewering of the State of Israel, his name was mud among the so-called political cognoscenti of Europe, his name was "chopped liver".

According to Hillel Neuer of UN Watch (GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER SLAMMED ‘RICHARD-RICHARD’ GOLDSTONE INQUIRY AS ‘RUBBISH BIN’) the "Guardian of London once accused Richard Goldstone of running a 'much vaunted judicial commission of inquiry' that 'failed dismally,' and that was a 'rubbish bin' used by the South African government; of Goldstone's 'disturbing' practice by which he acted with 'overt political sensitivity', including his being 'at pains to involve the politically distinguished in the conduct of his inquiry'; and of harboring such ambition to succeed Boutros-Boutros Ghali's post as UN Secretary-General, that Goldstone’s legal colleagues gave him the nickname of 'Richard-Richard.'"

Of course now that he's accused the Jewish State of war crimes (without, according to Goldstone, any evidence that would stand up in a court of law) they love him madly which says more about the depths to which the Guardian has sunk than anything we already know about Richard-Richard.

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